Part 10: Kings Dominion’s Haunted River: stop having sex in your boat, please
As written in part 1 of this series, in 1978 Kings Dominion stuck its neck out on a major 4-ride attraction called “The Lost World” that...
Dale Brumfield releases
“Theme Park Babylon,” the book
Richmond-area author, “American Grotesk” journalist, anti-death penalty advocate and Cultural Archaeologist Dale M. Brumfield is proud to announce his book, THEME PARK BABYLON.
“The memo just came out … everything’s gone crazy.”
THEME PARK BABYLON is set on the March 27, 1980 opening of Burkewood Fun Park’s 30th season. After graduating from a Virginia university with an almost worthless degree during the 1980 recession, “Dale” has to settle for a low-paying seasonal job helping inspect and maintain rides and attractions at this large family-owned amusement park. Working with an oddball ensemble of full-time and seasonal fellow employees, Dale confronts bizarre, almost southern gothic behind-the-scenes situations and encounters while he and his unconventional co-workers, administrators and managers struggle not just to remain open but salvage any remaining ragged dignity of this once popular amusement park.
By Dale M. Brumfield
Imprint: HJH Media
Price: $11.95 ● Pages: 250
ISBN: 978-0578570297
Cover illustration and design by Hunter Brumfield @Tidal Wave Studio
For media inquiries please contact HJHmedia@mail.com.